On Saturdays, We Sail

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

Mackenzie vs. the wind

My long-time BFF, Taylor

Angel Island

My family friend, Sheryl, ‘photo-bombing’ my picture

Golden Gate Bridge

*Trying not to crash the boat*

“On Saturdays, we sail”. Okay. Maybe not eveerryy Saturday (though a girl can dream), but on this particular Saturday morning, a few friends and I sailed off from Berkeley to the beautiful, dreamy island of Angel. Angel Island is a charming, seaside destination with the most breathtaking views. When I think of the perfect morning, I would definitely picture this one. Wind in my hair, bay water breezes, and good friends. I don’t think it gets better than this. Today, I realized how incredibly grateful I am. How grateful I am to have amazing friends out here in California that are so encouraging and inspiring. How grateful I am to have the opportunity to live in such a beautiful place that allows me to embrace God’s beautiful creation. Life is incredible and wonderful, and so often, we take it for granted.

“Can you believe we have about a month left here”, my bestie since 6th grade asked me today as we our sail boat pulled up to the shores of Angel Island. “I am in denial”. I am not ready to leave Northern California in August. Not even a little bit, and I tear up thinking about the fact that this perfect summer will have to come to in an end. For now though, I am taking full advantage of every day and every second. My goal this summer has been to ‘break out of my comfort zone‘. I am a creature of habit, and I love the familiar and the comfortable and the safe. It can be scary to do things that are ‘out of your comfort zone’, but those bold and daring adventures are what provide us with the fullest experiences and the most unforgettable memories.

*End emotional diary entry*. Long story short, friends, California rocks.



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